Email got ya down? Inbox always full of unread messages or messages you just don’t know how to deal with? You might be inclined to go down the “inbox zero” path, where you endeavor to get your inbox message count to zero and keep it there. Don’t waste your patience on that. It’s going to balloon sooner or later (think vacation, for example). Rather than focus on … [Read more...]
How to Block Annoying Political Posts on Facebook
We all know that everybody's an expert on Facebook, especially when it comes to politics (a close second is economics). This is particularly funny because not too many people know shit about politics. Including me. I took one poly sci class in college and the ONLY 3 things I remember are these: My professor was visiting from another school. He was very bald. On purpose, … [Read more...]
Quick Food Hack #1
Turn your natural or organic peanut butter jar upside down when storing it. The oil travels UP through the peanut butter and naturally mixes. When you wish to open it, you just need a little bit of stirring. Then refrigerate. This works awesomely. … [Read more...]
Quick Travel Hack #1
When booking a flight, use a private browser or clear your cookies. Travel sites often track your visits and will raise the price simply because you have visited before. … [Read more...]
Announcement: The Productivity Hour Podcast Is Coming Soon!!!
Yes, it's been a long time coming, but I'll be doing "Episode 000" of the Productivity Hour Podcast very soon. The podcast will be 20-30 minutes (I know - "Hour" is in the title - that's kind of a joke) and cover a lot of ground. There will be productivity tips, lifehacks, tools I use, and more. Stay tuned right here to find out when the first one is released "into the … [Read more...]